Wishing dust goodbye
Meeting memories
Some smiling moments
Some teary reminisces
Each book unwrapped
Each story re-lived
A tale within the pages
A tale outside, carefully hidden
Flipping through the pages
Wandering through the past
Wondering at the has been
'To be' once now the present dark
Black and yellow pages
Brittle paper, moth eaten lives
Treasure buried deep within
Lessons learned and forgotten for life
In boxes arranged, packed neatly again
Goodbyes wished to whom?
Books of paper or past tales that rained?
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Old Books
Monday, November 11, 2013
It felt like I couldn't go on
Not after I'd lost you
A day of scorching heat
Right in the midst of an arid winter land
A hollow deep inside
An emptiness nothing could fill
I wouldn't hear your laugh anymore
Nor would we have those endless fights
No one to hold me close and whisper sweet nothings
No one to shush me and make my world right
I lost myself the day I lost you
I lost my grin although I smiled and sailed through
Wrapped in your worn shirts
My sweat smelling of you
Cooking your favourite food
And going to bed hungry
Wishing to just get you back
Wanting for just a few more moments with you
My heart still beat strong though
My limbs traitors worked just fine
I did not want to breathe
Each day as long as a year
Weeks passed and months too
I lived and I lived through...
I still smile, I still laugh
I dance and sing and jump and pray
No more hungry, I enjoy a hearty meal
I sleep at night, your dreams a pleasant memory
I still love you as I once did
But my steps don't falter anymore
I embraced your absence with you
Just as you embraced my pain from up there...
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Sleeping Beauty
She waited for a miracle
She got a toad
She kissed him deep
He stayed a toad
She waited for a miracle
She got a frog
She kissed him true
He enjoyed the snog
She waited for a miracle
She got a boy
She kissed him quick
He called her toy
She waited for a miracle
She got him
She kissed him long
He fulfilled his dream
She waited for a miracle
She waited and got bored
Prince charming came along
And she deeply snored...
Shopper's Stop
He stopped by everyday
Looking and choosing and trying
He religiously came every day
Window shopping, never buying
A little sleeve torn
A zipper broken
A frill unlaced
A button taken
He picked the same one everyday
Feeling and holding and playing
He held it close everyday
Seeing it, never buying
A tear rolled
A smile faked
A pain endured
A love paid
She stood silently everyday
Kissing and loving and smiling
She cursed her life everyday
Shopper's Stop, No Buying
Friday, October 11, 2013
Smile Today
You smile to allay someone's fears
You smile and keep smiling through
For smiling gives your heart a hope new...
He ravaged her body, lusted after her soul
He came every night
Came to her calling another's name
He stayed every night
Disappearing as the brightest star arose
He forgot pain every night
Forgetting to call out goodbye as he left...
She waited every night
Waited for him to call her name
She loved every night
Loved his broken soul with her heart
She soothed him every night
Staying awake silently crying his name
She forgot herself every night
Forgetting herself she lived for his smile...
Demands he made
Wishes she fulfilled
Pain he shed
Her shoulders stooped
Every drop he spilled
Her eyes burned
He smiled
She slept...
Friday, September 27, 2013
Jee le Zara
Aaj is pal ko jee loon zara
Andhere se to kal judna hi hai
Pal bhar is roshni ko pee loon zara
Gam ke badal chaye ho chahe ghane
Baarsenge moti to chakh loon zara
Chahetein unkahi reh gayi jo kahi
Khwaabon me unhe chu loon zara
Zindagi apne kisi ki saugat na sahi
Yaadon me unki main reh loon zara...
Bas aaj is pal mein reh loon
Zindagi tujhe main jee loon zara...
Garden of Eden
Scared she might lean in on him
She crossed her hands
Afraid she might reach out for his
She looked into the distance
Fearful he might read her eyes
She smiled at the random stranger
Apprehensive she might kiss him
She screamed a name out loud
Hoping he would never realise
She loved him, the forbidden fruit
Loved him with all her heart...
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
I want to see you smile...
I want to see you smile dear stranger
And roll on the grass with laughter
I want to see your eyes tear with mirth
And in your bosom joy give birth
A shy smile when I reach out to you
A guffaw for all the fun we do
A grin for all those memories
A smirk for the silliness and follies
I want to see you happy dear stranger
And see the light in your eyes
I want to feel your breath catch with joy
And you sing a happy song
A twirl for the sudden moments shared
A little jump for the happy news
A clap, a tap for surprise words
A melody for a brand new mood
I want to see you dear stranger
See you, the way the world sees me
But mirrors don't laugh or run or jump
And a stranger to myself I shall be...
Things Unsaid
Some feelings left buried and dead
Some words erased before they dry
Some tears drunk before eyes cry...
Some things are best left unsaid
Scattered pearls in a broken thread
Some dreams are best left unfulfilled
With open eyes silly hopes killed...
Some things are best left unsaid
Dry eyes, blood the heart shed
Obey your mind, revere your head
Some things are best left unsaid...
Monday, September 23, 2013
Fish Woman
Sitting by the pier
Gazing into an eternity
Dreaming and hoping
And waiting for the sea
The tide to turn in
The boat to return
The waves to ebb
The sand to shimmer
Sitting by the pier
Counting the long days
Wishing and praying
And waiting for her man
The craft to be loaded
The dead fish to stare
The hunger to vanish
The night to end...
Friday, August 23, 2013
Welcoming the Rains
The darkness evoked musical reminiscences
The flash of light illuminated hearts
The rolling thunder gave way to raging heart-beats...
A foggy night, shrouded memories
A misty breeze, cooled shudders
A light drizzle, unearthed smiles
A tiny puddle, reflected dreams
Came the downpour to wash away pain
Came the rains to play a new game
Came the memories with darkened skies
I stood there shivering, stripped of time....
A bubble that never bursts
A story that reads forever
A toy that never breaks
A night that always goes on
A dream that never ends
A song that always plays
A bike that never brakes
A bird that always flies
A pen that never runs dry
A smile that silly happy scar
A frown that never mars
A life that happily passes by
A wish that never dies
Hopefully plead lying eyes...
A flickering light in the dark
Hearing through open ears
Quiet murmurs of the heart
An aching quiet dispels the gloom
Connecting, feeling words of the soul
Thoughtless space, empty mind
Calm the moment, true peace inside...
The Rape
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Moments With Yourself
Cool breeze blowing, an empty train
Understanding human nature, so fickle so vain
Some moments I spent with my thoughts today...
Talks with the heart, quieting the mind
Wondering why so cruel is human kind,
Friends a burden, true love a fear
For reasons unknown slips past a tear...
Some moments I spent with my thoughts today
On a light drizzle hopes drifting away
Deepest night follows the brightest day
Some moments I spent with my thoughts today...
Smiles pasted on, laughter so rare
Blindly we trod on without a care
Eyes vacant, heart laid threadbare
No blacks, no whites just greys unfair...
Some moments I spent with my thoughts today
Rain pouring, a slushy road
Bursting anger and pain soared
Some moments I spent with my thoughts today...
The First Time
Lost among a crowd of cheerful cries
Trapped in the room, feeling all alone
Walls closing in, made of lead and stone
Sitting on a tiny wooden plank called bench
Someone puked, spreading around a putrid stench
She missed the comfort of her mother's arms
As right outside the cage her family swarmed
Racing to the window bars for a quick glimpse
She spread her tiny fingers, just one last whim
The door opened a crack and hope surged
The angry lady entered and for peace urged
The pinks and greys of her dress stifled her breath
Oh, is this what was known as death?
Dragged from her corner into the madness flung
To her water bottle she still lovingly clung
Bade to sit and heel like a dog
The memory, the shame, a hazy fog
Among smiling faces she felt like a fool
Wishing no one the horror of first time at school...
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
A Free Man
To Lucifer extended his arms
A calm smile upon his face
He knew, here he belonged
His shackles bit into his flesh
Of oozing pain he cared not
The crown of thorns upon his head
His talisman, a release he found
Rivers of blood under his feet
Dark, dark stains on his hands
A list of crimes to follow him around
Souls he freed, haunting the ground
A child of darkness, pure of heart
A babe of evil, the devil's man
He lived in the night, ravaged yet free
Day loving puppets he scorned
With a tainted name he survived
Chained in a room to a pithy wall
They feared freedom, they feared his wrath
For he was charred beyond recall
True he was and honest too
For he was just what he was
No masks he wore, no blotches of color
By the living dead was he revered
Solace found in Lucifer's arms
He truly lived in the fiery world
For darkness of heart and power of mind are,
Beyond the mortal tainted whites, high above...
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Little Girl at the Window
Sitting by the window
Feeling the cool breeze
Dreaming of a tomorrow
Never to be...
Sitting by the window
Gazing at the misty peaks
Wishing for a moment
To stay with me...
Sitting by the window
Listening to lilting melodies
Penning rampant thoughts
For memories
Sitting by the window
Taking in the sights
Smiling lightly at nothing
Being at peace
Sitting by the window
Being with myself
Capturing satisfaction to be
Forever with me...
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
The Final Goodbye
What do I say?
Do I wish you joy for shattering me so completely?
Or do I wish you luck as you embark on a new journey?
Do I hope that you find happiness elsewhere?
Do I pray that you belong to no-one, nowhere?
What do I do?
Do I smile as you turn away and wish you goodbye?
Do I congratulate you on your day and hope you enjoy?
Do I laugh and tell the world I lived through mirrored dreams?
Do I walk away and leave you in a bubble I'll never feel?
I smile, I laugh,
I run, I play
I dream, I live
But love I never will again...
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Tick-tock Tick-tock
Time's running out
Tick-tock, tick tock
There's a lingering doubt
Tick-tock, tick-tock
You can scream and shout
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Give a girly pout
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Time's running out
Tick-tock, tick-tock
What's this silly poem about?
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Ride to Tarkarli
We carry right on through curves and bends
Odes to bum(p)s and funny signals and signs
Never ending talks with beer, rum and wines
Sitting at the beach, gazing into forever
Lying on the sand dreaming of after ever
Fighting the waves, clamouring over rocks
Who cares about sweaty jackets and stinky socks
Where is my helmet? Saw my guards?
Uncaring we are not though we ride hard
Banana boats and bumper screams
Modaks relished sweeter than cream
Wishing for a dolphin, sighting shooting stars
Laughter shared over cakes, smiles never far
Zooming past fields, taking in sights
Witty conversations, silly fights
New friendships forged, old moments relived
Trust and love in camaraderie believed
We still have memories to make and thoughts to tend
Coz we are the Musafirs and our journey never ends...
Monday, June 3, 2013
Pitter Patter
The flash of light illuminated hearts
The rolling thunder gave way to raging heart-beats...
A foggy night, shrouded memories
A misty breeze, cooled shudders
A light drizzle, unearthed smiles
A tiny puddle, reflected dreams
Came the downpour to wash away pain
Came the rains to play a new game
Came the memories with darkened skies
I stood there shivering, stripped of time....