Monday, January 30, 2012

A li'l helping of time

So much to do, so little time,
Here wasting even a second
Feels like a crime...

Castles in air to build and create,
Day-dreams to live
C'mon, buck up mate!

So much to do, so little time,
Here wasting even a second
Feels like a crime...

Hour upon hour a clock chime beckons,
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock
Boggled minds blow wake-up horns!

So much to do, so little time,
Here wasting even a second
Feels like a crime...

Stop a second, sit and breathe,
Look out the window
Dream like a bird freed!

So much to do, so little time,
Here wasting even a second
Feels like a crime...

Forget your rush, forget the haste,
Life lived once,
Hold moments, don't waste!

So much to do, so little time,
Here wasting even a second
Feels like a crime...

And yet as the hands strike,
Another duty calls,
Dreams and wishes go on a hike!

So much to do, so little time,
Here wasting even a second
Feels like a crime...

Ciggy & the Beach

The embers glowed bright
Set against the dark twilight sky
A life slowly passing out
Providing solace to the blackened lips
The crabs dotted around
Lost in the quest for freedom
Broken shells littered the rocks
Waves crashing, breaking over the bank
The light from the dim stars
Guiding forlorn sailors
The light from the joy-stick
Slowly sapping life out...