Friday, April 26, 2013

My Dream

You are a dream
My Dream
And I do not want to open my eyes

You are a dream
My Dream
And I want to hold you tight

You are a dream
Only a dream
A wisp of a heart's desire true

You were a dream
Only a dream
But the most beautiful one I knew...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

First Bud of Spring

She slowly poked her head out
Buried under the frost for months
Overcoming her deepest fears
She decided to look around

The solid wall of ice closed in
Sheltering her from the gale
But the brave lady she was, she scraped
And scratched, feeling unsafe

She shivered, she felt a shudder
A.tremor through her being
But hope was strong, her faith her will
She shut her eyes and just pushed through

The sun warmed her petals frozen
The flakes tickled her buds anew
The towering trees lent her breeze
Her eyes shining with joy anew...

She dared to want
She dared to hope
She dared to live
Eyes open she dreamed

A world so pure
Her world of love
Of Sun and trees
And lovely spring

Whistling they came along
Saw her smile
Saw her fight against the light
Her colour in an arid land

Spring is here
Spring is here
Glory to nature be
They knelt by her
They tugged at her
They pulled her roots free...